家庭暴力 & 虐待长者- 3.0个学时,60美元
The participant will learn to identify both domestic violence and elder abuse while also understanding the prevalence of each in Kentucky and in the nation. The course includes information about the reporting requirements in cases of domestic violence and elder abuse and services that are available for victims in Kentucky. The course allows the participant to understand the processes by which they can refer victims to relevant services.
执照伦理- 3.0个学时,60美元
完成本课程后, the participant will be familiar with the Code of Ethical Conduct according to 201 KAR 23:080. 除了, the participant will review the NASW Code of Ethics and its place in ethical principles in social work practice in Kentucky. The course offers a review of Loewenberg and Dolgoff’s (2000) Ethical Principles Screen and the ways in which it can be useful when deliberating ethical concerns by providing an understanding of the ways in which the participant makes ethical decisions.
〇小儿头部外伤 1.5学时,30美元
The participant will learn about pediatric abusive head trauma, 或者摇晃婴儿综合症, and the various injuries or conditions that may result following the vigorous shaking, 砰地关上, or impacting the head of an infant or young child. The participant will learn to identify risk factors that contribute to the incidence of pediatric abusive head trauma and ways in which they can mitigate these factors.
自杀评估 & 预防- 6.0个学时,60美元
在本课程中, the participant will learn to recognize and understand one’s own questions, 对自杀的恐惧和想法, while also understanding the breadth and depth of the incidence of suicide and its effects on society. The participant will learn appropriate methods of gathering information while assessing the risk and gain the skills necessary to construct viable safety plans.
康文署监理- 3.0个学时,60美元
The participant learns the duties and responsibilities of the supervisor as well as the supervisee. The participant learns how the Code of Ethical Conduct is integrated into LCSW Supervision. This course also provides an overview of the statutory requirements of LCSW Supervision and the required forms the participant must submit for approval of LCSW Supervision.