
Brescia University Caritas Center

“I give you a new commandment: 爱 one another. As I 爱d you, so you also should 爱 one another” (John 13:34 NABRE)

Grounded in Jesus’ call to 爱, the Caritas Center is a community resource that provides a collaborative space for the continuing work of bringing 明爱 or alive in the Brescia University community and beyond. The Caritas Center offers a unique space for sharing resources, 编程, 专业发展, and networking at the local, 国家, 以及国际层面. Using an inquiry-based approach to 明爱, the work of the Caritas Center is guided by the questions: Who are we as people called to 爱? What do we need to know as people called to 爱? What do we need to do as people called to 爱?

To learn more about the Caritas Center, 点击这里.